Wednesday, January 27, 2010

oh students

today's top quotes:

"so who was it that killed medusa?"
"mother theresa"
followed by a 5-minute argument about the validity of that statement.


"that's suitable stealing!"

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


my "love is not abuse" purple bracelet i got from many options broke today. i wonder if i can repair it...

life is busy busy busy at the moment. during winter and summer vacations, korean students do not actually get vacation. they have to go to their study schools, for longer-than-usual classes. so for the month of january classes start at 9 (i hate getting up early!), go for 4 hours straight with 3 5-minute breaks. then they go home, or to another study school to do it all again.

i got promoted to head foreign teacher, that's cool. though it obviously has downsides as well.

it will be very nice to get back to the normal schedule. next month is my birthday, and to celebrate i'm buying very nice tickets to see an orchestra play video game music. yay korea. i'm trying to buy the super special seats that let you meet with the composer who has made the music to my favorite games for the last 15 years. yikes. anyone have thoughts on what i should try to get him sign?