Wednesday, August 26, 2009


i'm in korea. ahh. despite me supposed to be teaching in anyang, i find myself in suwon, further south, or it might be yongsin, i don't even know. so i'm hoping they didn't pull a switcheroo on me, and i still get to go to pyeongchon/anyang.

also, anyang is pronounced very similar to 'anyeong' which is how you say hello. this proved quite troublesome for the staff checking travel documents, as he thought i was just responding to his question over and over again with 'hello!' eventually a guy behind me helped translate, gotta be careful for that one in the future.

randomly ended up on the same plane as abby, who i met at the korean consulate last week, pretty cool. also had a seat next to another american girl who was returning for another year, so i had someone to chat with at least. slowly building up my korean facebook friends, haha.

anyways, more updates soon hopefully. someone from the school is supposed to be meeting me today between 2 and 3 pm. not sure if this will be to move to my apartment, get work-related things in order, or just say hi. so i'll have another update soon.


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