if you consider 8am early, for me it is. i go to sleep at 2! construction workers throwing very large pipes from the fourth story window of a building. lots of pipes, upwards of an hour.
which has led me to believe that the building is somehow alive, and trying to cause me inconvenience. it's really the only reasonable answer. here's what i imagine it looks like when my back is turned or am asleep.
hey how did you do that? anyway... i get up at 6am... :P but ya 8 is kinda early...... but im eather in french class or gym by then.... unless its a weekend and im asleep....... but gym... at 8.... tourture
I put the pictures into Photoshop after I downloaded them to my computer, then drew on them, haha. 8 is only early because I work from 2pm-10pm. So I go to sleep very late (2pm-3pm).
Most teachers here have a similar schedule so that's when we go on adventures.
ahhhhhhhhhh thats understandable....
That's an interesting schedule. Do the kids go to school in different shifts?
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