i think i've covered this again, but to recap: no school means more time to go to the 'academies' during the day. so all academies offer extra classes and extended hours. you can guess how excited the kids are about this, since the workload at our academies is much higher than school. so it's more work than not-vacation.
luckily, the summer vacation is shorter than the winter vacation (weird, american students, right?) so this will only last about 3 weeks, give or take a few days. maybe 3 and a half. my schedule is pretty decent, probably the best i've had all year. but i've been really unlucky, and established myself as someone who could handle a lot of classes, so they kept giving me more. even when i'm head teacher and supposed to have the easiest schedule, haha. on wednesday's, i teach for less time than i'm not teaching. 70% of my day is breaks/preparation time. other days i'm not as lucky, but they're still only a little more work than normal. doable.
so before i went in at 2p and worked til 9:30p, now i'll go in at 9:15a and leave at around 5-7p. depending on my breaks. and we get extra money for teaching more classes, hooray.
today is a work lunch. where we all go out together to bond and be happy. it's nice to talk to the korean teachers in a more casual environment. and the school pays for the food, which is double-ly awesome. today we're going for shabu shabu.
you basically have a plate of meat, a plate of vegetables, and a boiling pot of water. then you make soup. it's delicious. and fun to say.
the only downside is that we already have long classes today, and lunch is 2 hours before work starts. so work is almost 10-11 hours long today. ouch.
but one day this week, two days next week, and then vacation!
traveling down to jeju island with my friend ashley and her friend diana. my first real vacation in 11 months, hooray.
ahhhhhhhhh! 3 weeks of summer????
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