I came with two giant bags of things. I think I'm going to be leaving with half a bag. Lots of stuff is getting thrown out for various reasons. Don't need it anymore, useless, or in the case of clothes: stained with dry erase marker. No other teacher seemed to have this issue as much as I did. Though getting in dry erase swordfights probably didn't help.
My best friend here, Ashley, leaves the same day I do, Sunday. BUT, her school kicked her out of her apartment today to move the new teacher in, how kind of them. So she has to crash on my awkward couch instead of her nice, usual bed. We finished moving her out of her apartment early this morning. She's the planner in our friendship, but she went way overboard with her luggage. In the end, she had one giant suitcase, one giant dufflebag, a backpack and her purse. Both the suitcase and dufflebag took two hands for me to lift. She wants to travel to four different countries in the next two months with them? ...no. So now we have to repack everything of hers again to send more stuff home in boxes. Should be interesting.
Here is the state of my apartment, haha: