giocat was definitely my favorite. the drinks were super expensive, but so is taking care of that many cats. they were everywhere in the place, all over the floor, on the ceiling, on the walls, tables, chairs, benches. everywhere. cats aren't terribly popular in korea, so it was strange to see so many koreans adoring them so much here. some of the people were really struggling to keep cats on their laps, even when it was clear they didn't want to be there. but still a good time, i feel bad for the cats they shaved to have super poofy tails. they looked like cat poodles.
hello kitty and charlie brown were nice, but other than the themes there wasn't a whole lot special about them. HK was more stylish, but Charlie Brown was just a much nicer place to hang out in.
1) hmmmm i do see a poodle cat..... verry strange......
2) oh. my. gosh.... i can not picture you in the hello kitty place...... hahahahaha
3) the charlie brown place does seem kinda...... well not that interesting....
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