Passed it a hundred times, but never read the sign beneath it. On my last day in Seoul, I took a few moments to. It was worth it:
If you can't read that, it says:
Na Sok-Chu (1892-1926) is beloved by the people of Korea for his heroic struggle to regain the sovereignty and economic independence of Korea, forcibly taken by the Japanese colonialists. On December 28, 1926, Na Sok-Chu, THROWING GRENADES AND FIRING A PISTOL, staged a single-handed attack on the office of the Oriental Development Company, a notorious Japanese agency of instrumental in the economic aggression against Korea.
That's a statue.
hmm... go Na Sok-Chu ?
I bet he played CS. >.>
I just wish more statues involved crazy stories like this. Then people would stop a lot more often.
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