Saturday, October 9, 2010

Don't Drink Red Ants

One of our volunteers woke up in the middle of the night last night to get some water. To get to our water fountain you need to go downstairs, and outside to our porch. Tap water isn't safe to drink.

So she goes down, gets the cup we use for the water, fills it up and swigs it down. She goes to get another and turns on the porch light. As she's filling her cup the second time, she looks down, and the cup is COVERED in red ants. Inside, outside, everywhere.

She sprints upstairs to get to the bathroom, throws up. She did indeed drink a cup full of red ants. Not her best night, haha. I am only drinking bottled water at night from now on, haha.


Unknown said...

That sounds... painful... didn't she notice things crawling around in her mouth?

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