flickr isn't letting me upload any pictures. troublesome. so i'm trying to find an alternate way of doing that for the time being. here's one from a cool local park, after playing with my new camera toys last night.
also. people in korea are crazy! well, probably no less than any other country, but yesterday was hilarious. i went to seoul before work to grab my new lens/tripod. i head to the bus stop to come back, and there are two cars blocking it off (a fairly big 'dont ever do that' in korea). apparently there was some sort of accident. a woman rear-ended the guy in front of her, from what i understood.
she. freaked. out.
once the police got there she was yelling and screaming at the dude, at the police, at all the strangers who were giggling at her for freaking out so much. the police make them both move their cars so the buses can stop. the guy moves his car and.... there is absolutely no damage to the girls car. not a scratch, not a dent. but she keeps screaming even more! and all the random people were laughing at how ridiculous it was. which again, prompted more screaming. so i had to walk a mile or so to seoul station to get on another bus. barely made it to work in time, haha.
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