i went screen golfing this morning with irish joe. he's irish. screen golfing is just like normal golfing, except you do it in a room on the third floor of a building. basically there's a tee set up and a machine to put balls on it, then you wail the balls against the projection screen. and it displays what would have happened were you playing actual golf.
i am very bad at golf.
we played a quick 9 holes for 12,000 won (about 10-11 dollars), they brought us free water and hot cocoa, which was delicious. i was 30 over par. so that means what should have taken me 36 shots, took me 66. whoops. joe beat me by about 15 strokes. we're having a rematch soon. we're going to go in the evening and order dinner while we're there. so we can just eat food and play golf, in a toasty room, in the middle of winter. korea is awesome. anyways, since we got there before 2pm, it was also 30% off. so we can play 9 holes before work for 9,000 won (7-8 dollars). hooray.
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