Thursday, August 27, 2009


so, they did what often avalon does, and switched my position from anyang to yongin. it's not a huge difference, only about 20 minutes from seoul, but it means i won't be nearly as close to my friend heather, and it's a slightly less affluent city.

but on the upside, the people i work with seem pretty cool. i hung out at the campus for a little over an hour today. two of them took me out to lunch and i had an amazing pork cutlet (mayo on pork, crazy delicious). my attempt to find a power adapter is still unsuccessful. stopped by a samsung and an LG store today with no luck. i've been told e-mart is the best chance, but i have not the slightest idea on how to find one. this weekend's goal i guess.

it looks like i'll be living in the hotel through at least monday, probably longer. stocked up on some supplies that will keep me alive through tomorrow. unfortunately without a cellphone or any sort of address, it will be quite difficult for me to make any plans with people. so this might be a solo-adventure weekend.

language barriers are proving to be challenging, but not impossible.


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